Keeping our morning routine simple with Ivory Free & Gentle Body Wash!

I love how a certain scent or a certain song can bring up specific memories and take you right back to that time and place. I have a distinct memory of my dad putting on one of his beach boys records while my sisters and I danced around the front room and twirled around in our dresses. I also have a distinct memory of my Grandma and Ivory soap. I can still picture her sitting in her favorite chair reading the newspaper with her favorite soap opera playing in the background while my sister and cousins laid out our pillows and sleeping bags on the front room floor for a sleepover. It’s the memories behind things that can make them so much more meaningful ya know?

As far as our morning routine goes, I like to keep it as simple and easy as possible. That way I can focus my time and energy doing the things I love with my Family. I love that this new Ivory body wash is 100% Free of dyes, parabens and harsh cleansers and comes with a pump.

M o r n i n g  r o u t i n e.

On a good day, I try and get myself ready first. This doesn’t always happen and sometimes I’m left doing my makeup in the car… buuut I try. I’ve been trying extra hard lately to take care of myself and skin and stop putting that on the back burner like I have in the past. #momlife. I love that this body wash has a pump, It helps keep baths and showers for the fam quick and easy.

Once I’m ready, I get the little loves up, we do breakfast, then they get dressed. I try to lay out everything the night before including socks and shoes so we can avoid panic mode of running around the house trying to find one freakin’ sock!! Like, does the washer eat them?!! I’m starting to be convinced it does.  Next, I put a towel around the boys shoulders to spray down their hair and brush it then do the girls hair. (Mom tip: a wet brush and leave in condition spray is key!)  Next, we brush teeth then I pack a few snacks and load up in to the car for some family fun!

And did I mention how AMAZING they smell???

I can’t even pick a favorite scent. They are all so good.

Pear and Sandalwood, Sweet Pea and LilyChamomile sensitive

If anything, I always hope to create the best childhood memories for these sweet girls of mine and their brothers. I still hold onto mine dearly and it’s my goal that they will always want to do the same.

Love you Grandma!!

ivory soap


This post is sponsored by Ivory 

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