Did you get a chance to see the solar eclipse last night? It was incredible! We looked through these special glasses and could see it perfectly. I also tried looking through a CD. It worked but not as well as the glasses and it hurt my eyes. Nixon was watching us all and wanted to give it a try. So he ran in the house, grabbed a plastic lid?, then ran back outside and held it up in the sky.
Here he is with Uncle Aric trying to look at the eclipse like us. The funny thing is, is that the house was blocking the sun so he really was just looking up at the sky. Haha. Which is fine, I would never let him look directly at sun. Of coarse.
Well here it is, the project I have been excited to show you!
My 20 dollar thrift store bike reborn.
Here is how I did it
First, I cleaned it with a rag to get off all the dirt and grossness.
Second, I taped off all the parts I didn’t want to paint.
Third, I covered the wheels, seat, and basket with plastic bags.
Fourth, I laid a sheet down and went to town with the spray paint.
(I used an outdoor metal paint that is rust resistant)
Fifth, I let it dry then took the tape and bags off to see the
end result!

I got to say, I am very happy with it! {two thumbs up}
Courtney Martin
May 23, 2012 at 3:31 amThis bike is adorable! i’ve been searching for a vintage bike to re-paint. What a thrifty fun find!!