The boys and I made Evan’s Fathers Day gift yesterday! It was fun and I think it turned out really cute. It’s funny to see how close in size the boys hands are. Jovi’s are the big chunky ones (he’s the younger one), and Nixon’s are the long skinny ones. They are so opposite but I love it. After we finished, Nixon was so excited to show Dada his “paintings.” He kept saying, “I show Babe paintings!” I told him that we needed to wait and surprise him on Sunday but he wasn’t too happy about that. After I distracted him with chocolate milk and Cars the movie, he was over it. I told Evan that he has to act surprised when the boys give it to him on Sunday since I’m posting it today and he’s bound to see it.
Okay, so here are some things you will need.
- Wood tile board
- Acrylic Paint
- Mod Podge
- Sponge Brush
- A Picture
- Cute little hands
First I painted the tiles and then let them dry.
Second, I painted the boys hands and pressed them on the tiles (Nixon thought it was pretty awesome I was painting his hands)

Third, I printed off a saying and then Mod podged it to the center tile.
This was a lot easier than painting on the words.
Fourth, I mod podged my favorite picture of Evan and the boys to the back of the board.

Nixon was so proud of his hand painting!
“Our Daddy is the best, HANDS DOWN”
June 16, 2012 at 1:21 pmSO cute! Such a great idea!! Might have to steal this in future years!