When you think of the phrase, “time out!” I’m sure this comes to mind, “dun, dun, duhhhn”, or “what happened?’ or “uh oh” But around here, I think of time out as a good thing!
I started doing “time out” with Nixon when he was 18 months just to get him use to the word and what it means. I’ve always set him on the same blue chair and say “k time out”, which he hates! Almost every time he yells and screams and kicks but once he calms down and has “paid his time” (which is usually 3 mins tops, since he’s only two) He comes out a much happier little boy. I am definitely a fan of time out.
Here is how I made Nixon’s time out chair.
First, I printed off black and white pictures of our family.

Second, I mod podged the chair, then stuck the pictures on.

Third, I mod poged over the pictures.
(When I got to the edge of the chair, I bent the pictures over the edge to create a crease).
(When I got to the edge of the chair, I bent the pictures over the edge to create a crease).
Fourth, after I let it dry, I sanded around the edges.

And WaaLaa!! That’s it!
Here are some cute “Time out sayings” I found online for a time out chair.
“There’s no, ifs, ands, just Butts!”
“Did the crime? Pay the time.”
“Upset child, lip stuck out.
Unhappy tear, stubborn pout.
Disobedient. . No don’t shout.
This is the reason we have-
Unhappy tear, stubborn pout.
Disobedient. . No don’t shout.
This is the reason we have-
“Change Your ‘Tude Dude!”
“I’d rather be playing”
“The naughty spot”
June 19, 2012 at 4:21 amLove this chair! I’m totally going to make one for our place Ü
hi i'm chantelle!
June 30, 2012 at 2:49 amLove your little DIY! Found your little bloggy through Kelly’s (messy dirty hair!) I’m a mo too!
Would LOVE for you to do a guest post on my blog!