These two little boys got sick yesterday. I think there is something going around, because Evan was sick too. It all started when I decided to actually get ready for the day and take the boys out to do something fun. I thought maybe we could go to Target and get some more bubbles for Nixon’s bubble gun and then go to the park. Then go to Pizza Hut for their 5 dollar buffet. It sounds like a nice idea right? So I get ready, then end up changing my outfit because it’s just wayyy too hot for pants here, in my opinion. Outfit number two is now on and it’s time to wrestle the boys to get them dressed and ready, at least a 20 minute processes. Boys are dressed and ready then I take Ollie out to go potty before we leave. Success! Nixon then rewards him with a treat. (I’m hoping he picks up on the fact that when you go potty you get a treat.) Potty Training… that’s a whole different story. Anyways so we are all good and ready to go. Nixon went to pick out a toy for the car ride, I pick up Jovi to head to the car and then Blaahhhhh! I’m instantly covered in Jovi puke. Grossssss! I put him down, he starts screaming while I’m trying to get the puke shirt over my head without getting any in my hair. Nixon comes running in and says, “I got my toy Ma!” Jovi’s still crying and tries to take the toy from Nixon. Nixon starts crying too and I have to break it to him that we can no longer go “bye bye” because Jovi is sick. The cries turn into screams and then I feel Nixon’s head and realize he has a fever too. Poop. So for about 10 minutes I have two screaming boys. So fun. Thank goodness for apple juice and Yo Gabba Gabba, because they were able to calm down and lay on the couch with Mama. Hey at least I got ready for the day.

I took a picture of the puke shirt to show Evan the fun morning we were having. Oh and I’m pointing to the puke with my pointer finger not my middle finger. I wasn’t that mad about it.

Maybe tomorrow we will do something fun…
July 20, 2012 at 1:25 amhaha ugh, that’s always how it is!! Your outfit was so cute too; I hate when I actually get all ready and then don’t end up getting the chance to go out! Feels like I wasted an outfit! I hope your boys are feeling better!