The weather here is finally starting to cool down from the 104 degrees we have had lately. A very nice change indeed. I am definitely feeling ready to pull out the fall clothes.
The past few days we have been taking advantage of this nice weather by going on a lot more walks around town. I just love our little town. Especially Main street. I remember going to a little store called Judd’s just off of Main as a child with my family to get ice cream and pick out our favorite treats. We have some good memories there.
You see, I haven’t always loved this town. Growing up I thought it was so lame and boring and there was nothing to do here! Then I moved to Italy to nanny and that is when I actually started missing my family and home town. I guess you learn to appreciate things and people more when you’re away from them. Sorry, side tangent.
Anyways, that little store I was talking about is still going strong. We often take the boys there and let them pick out their favorite treats. Trying to pass down the tradition I guess.
This time around, Nixon had to pick out the “weally big sucker” of course. He is such a character. Jovi settled with an orange tootsie pop. He is my content happy little child. Hopefully this doesn’t change when he hits two (fingers crossed). Ev and I shared a breadstick, some old fashion root beer, and Laffy Taffy’s.
1989 in front of Thomas Judd Store Co. Left to Right; My Dad, my Sister Chantelle, my cousins Tiffany & Taryn, my Mom and me. |
Good ol’ Dixie. |
A stroll down Main street.
 Picking out snacks at Judd’s. |
Such a big sucker for such a little guy. |
Nummy num num. Best breadsticks in town!