Evan had the opportunity to help with A New You event at Vivesque Hair Salon up in Lehi over the weekend. So we decided to make a trip out of it and went along with him to visit family and friends.
We drove up Thursday morning and Evan’s brother Eston watched the boys for us while we took Gibson to a potluck at Vivesque to hear more about the event and the women that would be attending.
At the dinner, Barbara Johns spoke about her past and the hardships she went through. She also shared a few stories of some of the women who would be attending the event. It was so humbling to sit and listen to these stories and the hardships these women have been through.
I found it very empowering that even after all the crap Barbara had been through, so was able to find God and free herself from a abusive marriage and now is helping so many women in similar circumstance. I don’t think there was one dry eye in the room after hearing her share her story.
On Friday, while Ev went to help with the event, the little ones helped Nana do some gardening while I got ready, made lunches and packed the diaper bag.
After loading the kids into the car, we headed off to Ikea to meet my good friend Lindsy and her boys for a fun playdate.
When we got there, we had the older kids go to the play center while we took the babes with us to browse the store and shop.
It was our first time leaving them in the play center and felt a little weird about it at first. But as soon as we left, they were running around laughing and having a blast, which made us feel better about leaving them. Plus it made it easier for us to actually enjoy ourselves and not have to worry about chasing little stinks all over the place as we tried to shop (our usual shopping experience.;)
As we were shopping around, we laughed about how easy it was shopping with just one child. We both have three children thee exact same ages, so we relate very well with each other in many ways.
Gibson and Tayson (our babies) are only 2 days apart! They are so cute with each other. Tayson kept giving Gibs loves and kisses all weekend. It was the cutest thing.