Monday nights we like to set aside time to just be together as a family. No outside distractions, just us all together and in the moment.
We start out with a prayer, sometimes we sing a little church song or two and then we do some sort of activity. Sometimes we go out and sometimes we just stay home. But honestly it doesn’t matter, it’s just fun having that time set aside to be together.
For this weeks “family night” we let each of the boys be in charge of saying the prayer or picking out their favorite song to sing. Then Evan read a scripture and the boys repeated it after him. Gibby tried to repeat it as well, it was pretty cute:) Then we all watched a movie on the couch cuddled up in our favorite cozy blanket.
We try to keep our family nights short and sweet, since our kids are still pretty young and have the attention span about the size of a needle.
It’s just important for us to establish the habit of it. It’s a time to teach our little ones good habits and values and create memories that will last forever. Some nights go pretty smoothly and others, it’s like a crazy little circus. –Which I’m sure would be pretty entertaining to watch. But the fact that we are trying, is all that matters. Baby steps.
When it comes to parenting, we are far from perfect, we make mistakes just like everyone else. But everyday we just try to be a little better and learn what works and what doesn’t work for us. This life is a tough one, with so many trials and challenges. But I’m learning that with the right attitude and a positive mind set, there is always light through all the darkness, you just have to keep reaching for it.

Saranoni blanket found here.