Finally posting our family photos from last Fall! Get ready for a whole lotta pics that I am seriously so so happy with. Erica did such an amazing job at capturing the look and feel to exactly what I was wanting. She pretty much rocks. There are also some updates on the little loves at the bottom of this post. xxx
These little cheeks never tasted more scrumptious. Ive been making more of an effort to eliminate distractions and just focus on living. Being there and fully engaged in the moment. I’ve realized there are probably things I have missed out on from being so distracted (without even realizing it) and caught up in the things that just really don’t matter. Those little things that may seem little now, we will someday look back on and realized they we’re the most importunity of all. I think this is why I enjoy blogging so much. It helps me focus on the little things as well as the big and to cherish the moments I want to remember forever.

|| Update ||

Nix just turned 5 in April and is loving summer school. He already has a few new little friends in class he talks about often Emma and Daniel. He just told me today that he and his friend Daniel are a lot alike. I asked him how come and he told me because they both have a little brother the same age and a little sister the same age. It was so cute to hear him tell me this in his overly excited voice. One of my favorites of his. He currently is obsessed with lining things up and counting them. Right now it’s quarter and little guys, which include any little toy out of a quarter machine or a Trash Pack. He’s one smart little dude. He’s already trying to figure out his times tables. “Mom if I have 4 groups of 3 how much is that?” or “how much is 2 groups of 3 plus 1 group of 4” This is how my five year old is talking. He’s a little genius I’ll tell you. He loves mixing different things together and making potions. Especially in the tub. He experiments with mixing his bath soap with my purple shampoo plus shaving cream and see what color it makes. He cracks me up. He loves watching egg surprise or any play dough clip on YouTube. The other day he was playing his own play dough – egg surprise and says, “Mom quick, grab your camera!, I want you to film me doing my own YouTube channel!” Whaaaa? haha ok.. So I go grab my camera which then he says, “k, I’m ready say action” He’s way into it and a pretty good little actor I might add. He’s my hard child at times, very stubborn and strong willed but I love him so much it hurts! He was the first to make me a Mama, and is my best little Nixon buddy. Love yous so much little dude.

Sweet little Jovi will be 4 in just a few weeks. He already has his birthday list planned out ( I’m sure Nixon had some part in it) He loves doing whatever his older brother is doing but also likes his own quite time once and a while. He has a big loving heart and comes up to me multiple times throughout the day and says, “I want to give you a big big hug Mama!” which I absolutely LOVE and drop anything I’m doing for them. He is also big into quarter machines and little guys. He loves affection and is always asking for me to hold him. He also is pretty stubborn but a little more easy to persuade than Nix is. He has some really great dancing skills and does a dance he calls “the monkey dance” He is OBSESSED with dogs but sadly is allergic to them. He brakes out in rashes and hives if he pets them and forgets to wash his hands. Poor guy, it really breaks my heart. I hope it’s something he will grow out of. He is my pickiest eater yet, and I’m always trying my hardest to get him to try new things. –Also hoping that is something he will grow out of too. He loves stories and absolutely loves it scratch his back with oils on it. I Love you my sweet little Jovi, thanks for loving me and for your spontaneous hugs that i love so much.

Ohhh gibby lou, where do I even start. Gibby has grown up way too fast in the last few months. She is putting words together and forming sentences. like, “dada, where Mama?” or “Jojo did it” She also mimics or copies her brothers (which they don’t really like) lol “mom, gibby is coping me!” It makes me laugh because it’s seriously the cutest things. Funny how it’s cute when they’re little and not so cute when they’re older.. Gibby is such a little goof and keeps us all laughing. She has a little dance she does and always wants everyone to join in with her. She goes around in circles waving her arms up and down with an occasional booty shake while saying, “aww me na, awww me na, awww me na” We have no idea where this came from but it cracks us up every time. She loves her blanky, bink and baby and has to have all three whenever she goes to sleep. She is obsessed with watching Misha the Bear and says, “I wan Misha!” when she wants to watch it. She can even find it on my phone or the iPad. Wait, what?! She’s not even two yet. She has many nicknames, her newest one her brothers gave her is Pinky Pie. She is obsessed with, shoes, hats and sunglasses and always has to have at least one if not all of them on. If she can’t find hers she will try ours out for size. Love you sweet Gibson girl, thanks for keeping us all laughing.
Alyssa Morter
June 9, 2015 at 5:13 pmThese are gorgeous!
Kristina Leao
June 9, 2015 at 6:28 pmahhhhhh!!!! i love these and YOU!!!! xoxoxoxo