Saturday evening after Babe got home from work, he wasn’t feeling very well so I took the little loves to a fun splash park so he could get some rest. We had never been to this water park before, so i wasn’t sure what to expect.
When we got there, there was a patch of snow on the grass! SNOW! (at least that’s what it looked like) It really was just ice from the ice skating rink next door but I didn’t want to disappoint the little loves excitement when they saw it, so we are just going to pretend that there really was snow in the middle of summer.

It was a little bizarre seeing them play in the quickly melting “snow” in their swimming suit, but they were in heaven! They would run back and forth from the stream to the snow. Their joy and excitement in their little faces was just what i was needing that night.
After I snapped some memories, the boys kept saying “come on Mom! come play in the snow and water with us!” And so I did. I felt like a kid again and it felt so good. I really am just a big kid at heart and needed the reminder that it’s okay to just let go and let be sometimes, to stop worrying so much about things i can’t change and just start living. We ran through the stream, froze our toes off in the snow then back to the stream laughing thee entire time.
I was a little unprepared and totally forgot a suit for Gibson and towels… So we used a blanket i had brought along instead and snuggled in close to get dry. Then the boys suggested we did some exercising by playing tag and doing yoga. As if the running back and forth from the snow to the stream wasn’t exercise enough 😉
I just love these little loves of mine.
Stephanie Woodward
June 23, 2015 at 7:43 pmThese pictures are awesome! I love the moments you catch. You are SO good at documenting your lives! How do you get in so many of the pictures?