On our way to watch the fireworks.

Silly Jovi. Gosh I love this kid.

Nixon popping poppers.

My Sissy’s (just missing Kylie, they came later.)

The show before the show.

Our 4th was pretty low key. Grandpa took the boys to a movie while Gibby napped and Ev and I designed new business cards for him. Then later we all went meet out in a little town about 15 minutes from my parents to watch the fireworks.
We ate donuts, watermelon and twizzler bites and played with sparklers while we waited for the “big fireworks” to go off. Gibby wasn’t feeling good, so she snuggled by Uncle Caleb while the fireworks went off, she loves her Uncks and Aunties.
It felt so good to be surrounded by family and to live in this beautiful place that we live in. To have all the freedoms and privileges that we often take for granted. We really have it so good here and I feel so very blessed. My heart is full.