A Fun Tradition With Our Friends


Over spring break, some of my good friends Lindsy and Jamie came down with their littles to visit. Time always flies by way too fast when they’re here, I never want it to end!

There’s a fun splash pad in town across from one of our favorite childhood candy stores. We made it a tradition to go every time they come down. We start out at the splash pad were the kiddos play and wear themselves out, then we bribe them with their favorite candy to go and take a picture on the steps haha — A little tradition we started a few years ago.

It’s been fun to compare the pictures and see how much they’ve grown! We keep adding to this cute group of kiddos and what started out as seven has now turned into eleven! and soon, thirteen with lindsy’s little girl coming in July along with my other sister kylie’s little girl! Pretty soon we just may out grow these steps. 😉








Copey & Haiven

(my cute little nephew & niece)


We brought these balls with us we found for a dollar and they loved it!

They would put them in the middle of the fountain and watch them shoot up.

Bubbles were a good idea too.


Jamie, me, Lindsy, Chantelle and Haiven


Tayson & Gibson were killing us all weekend. They really are they cutest pair and always had to be by each other’s side. I’m starting to think their arranged married won’t have to be so arranged after all. 😉


Until next time.


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