My sister mentioned that there was a little tree lot over at the Freis market in Santa Clara so we thought it be fun to go check it out and do a little outing with the kiddos. Little did we know that Santa would be there! It was definitely a fun surprise for them and they were grinning the whole time they were in line to sit on his lap. Nixon asked for a bucket full of scorpions (classic Nixon) Jovi asked for a bag of skittles and Gibby asked for some Playdough. Losee stared him down the entire time so I just held her to avoid any tears ha!.
After they sat on Santa’s lap, there was cookie decorating, a fire for S’mores and entertainment. One of the girls that was there to sing was so cute and kept asking to hold Losee babe, which was so nice so I had an extra hand to help Jovi put on his shoe he had decided to take off. Another reason I’m reminded why we only should buy that kid slip ons vs lace up high tops! Anyways, she was so cute and ended up singing a song from the movie Tangled and the little loves were convinced she was the REAL Tangled. They were total starstruck. It was so cute! I really can’t wait to take them to Disneyland, their mouths will be dropping all over the place!! After roasting a few S’mores and having plenty of hot cocoa, we headed home to see Daddy after his day of work.
We only have two more days of school this week and then we get a nice long Christmas break, I am SOOO excited and can hardly wait! This year we will be traveling to Evan’s parents for Christmas and the kiddos are so excited. They asked if they can bring our elf on the shelf Buddy Sparkle along with us so that he wouldn’t be here all alone. He’s been a fun addition to this holiday season and I’ll be kind of sad to see him go back to the North pole! He’s been very helpful at keeping the kiddos inline 😉 and gets them out of bed real quick in the mornings because they are so excited to go and find him. I’m still trying to think of a way to keep him around just a little longer…
When you know you’re being photobombed by Santa and don’t know if you should look…
Huddling up close while they waited for some hot cocoa.
They’re in for a reallll treat when we head up North this weekend! brrr
My Sister Kye and her little Yui joined us for a bit! <3
I love this goofy bunch So MUCH!
Wearing //
Gibby’s | Fox hoodie
Jovi’s | jacket | shirt| pants | beanie
Nixon’s | shirt | pants | beanie