Video by my amazing and talented Brother & Sister in law!
It’s been so fun to share bits and pieces of our life over the years through social media and blogging. It’s so incredible to think about all the friendships that have been made through this online community!
There’s definitely a fine line when it comes to social media and not letting it run you. I’ve learned to figure out what that line is and unplug when needed. There’s so much good that can come from this space it just takes feeding the positive side more than the negative.
Let’s all make a packed to help turn the negative impact social media can have into a positive one and show the world who’s BOSS by overpowering with LOVE, KINDNESS, SERVICE AND SUPPORT! We can all rise above and be just a little better than we were yesterday all while loving ourselves and others through this journey of life we are all on TOGETHER.
Love you friends!! xo And yes, even though we haven’t meant in person and may never meet, you guys are all still considers friends! So thank you for being here & for all your love and support! Much love xo Mama Tay.