I love this time of year!!! The crisp cooler air, ALLLL the Fall colors, Pumpkin spice everything and chunky sweaters, It’s just so good! And you have to find reasons to love it to help minus out the fact that it’s gonna get real cold soon right?;) With all the Holidays coming up, I get super giddy about all the family traditions we have and continue to create as our little loves get older. I’m HUGE on traditions and really the holidays wouldn’t be the same without them! But before I start talking about traditions I wanted to let you all in on an exciting Fall launch with JCPenney featuring their new line Peyton and Parker. This line features a collection of classic looks that you can mix and match to create effortless year put together style for the family and home! Perfect for holiday photos! Shop Gibson’s Dress here Shop Losee’s dress here

When picking out pants for my boys, it can be pretty tricky because they are both tall and skinny-minis! So one thing I loved about the Peyton & Parker pants is that they leg size fits great on them and they have the adjustable waist bands on the inside of the pants!

So let’s talk holiday traditions! Do you have them? Did you carry on the traditions from your childhood or create new ones?? We have done a little bit of both.
Halloween Traditions
- Painting pumpkins
- Halloween crafts
- Pumpkin Patch
- Watch halloween movies as a Family. A few of my favorites growing up were; Double Double Toil and Trouble and Beetlejuice!
- Sorting all the Halloween candy.

Thanksgiving Traditions
- Making turkey art by painting our hands and putting them on paper plates or the tablecloth for thanksgiving dinner.
- Circling all the black Friday deals in the newspaper ads.
- At Thanksgiving dinner we go around the table and all say something we are thankful for.

Christmas Traditions
- Opening Christmas Pj’s on Christmas Eve
- Driving around looking at all the Christmas lights then getting hot chocolate.
- Homemade cinnamon rolls
- Doing the 12 days of Christmas.

Man I love this Babe of mine. Funny side story; when Nix was just learning how to talk, he would call Ev “baby” instead of “dada” or “Daddy” haha I loved it. Shop his shirt here

How did I get so lucky?!! I just love being their Mama! Yes it’s a lot of work, and yes I fall sort most days but man they are worth every last ounce of it all.

All These Fall colors got me using alllll the heart-eyed emojiis.
Shop my shirt here

Shop Losee’s dress here.

They love their Dada <3
Shop Jovi’s pants here

Shop Gibson’s dress here

Thanks so much for stopping! We love having you all here!
Don’t forget to check out Peyton and Parker new Fall line if you and your kiddos are in need of some comfy/stylish Fall clothing! Shop all these pieces in store or online at JCPenney.com.