I can still feel the excitement in the air of when we first went to pick up our pup Lenny. We had seen him in pictures but this was the first time seeing him in person and it was love at first sight!! The photos really didn’t do justice for how stinking adorable he was!!! Right then and there we knew he was meant to be in our family.
With all the puppy loves and snugs also comes all the mess and odor, I mean, as cute as he is, who loves the smell of wet dogs?? I know I don’t! So we have teamed up with Swiffer and Febreze to help spread the word that you don’t have to sweat the mess and smell with Febreze Fabric and Air Odor Eliminators + Swiffer Sweeper and Dusters Pet Refills. These products are safe and effective choices for your pet-friendly spaces. Think of them as a pet owner’s new best friend! They help take care of the biggest Pet Peeves in fur-baby ownership (mess and odor), and are designed to be safe for both your pets and home giving you that peace of mind while also keeping your home fresh and clean.

When we were first talking to the little loves about getting a dog, they knew that they would also get to take part in the responsibilities of owning a pet. I asked them if they knew what some of those responsibilities were and they each started naming off things like feeding him, playing fetch with him, taking him for walks, playing with him and giving them treats … ya know all the fun things that come with owning a pet! My list looked a little more like this…. bathing him, potty training, cleaning up poop, cleaning up accidents and possibly dog barf haha just a little bit different from their list;) luckily Febreze and Swifter have my back! Head to your local Target if you’re a pet owner as well!
