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  • Chatbooks

    Happy Mother’s Day!!  I got my first Chatbooks for Mother’s Day! and I seriously can’t say enough good things about it. Both Ev and I flipped through it at least a…

  • The Love More Stories ebook

    I feel so honored to be sharing my love story along with a few other very inspiring Mom’s. After reading their stories this morning, it left me feeling both inspired and uplifted. When you open your…

  • Life is a Gift

    There is nothing quite like Sunday’s in my mind. We get Ev the whole day, and right after church, we are back into our lazy clothes with no plans but to…

  • New Mama Survival Kit – HELLOFLO

    Hey all you new Mama’s, or Mama’s expecting your first little bebe, this post is for YOU! Going through pregnancy and then the excitement of that little babe finally arriving, there…

  • Monday Nights.

    Monday nights we like to set aside time to just be together as a family.  No outside distractions, just us all together and in the moment.  We start out with a…

  • Lunch Date.

    Gibs has finally mastered the straw. We are all still pretty proud.  But even more, look at that face of determination.   -Thanks to my BIL Dan for capturing this- While…