Life is a Gift

There is nothing quite like Sunday’s in my mind. We get Ev the whole day, and right after church, we are back into our lazy clothes with no plans but to just hang out, relax and just be lazy…

Paintable Piggy Banks

Since the boys old piggy bank broke before the move, Nix has been asking me if they can get a new one. They both like to have a place to put their money they earn throughout the week, especially…

New Mama Survival Kit – HELLOFLO

Hey all you new Mama’s, or Mama’s expecting your first little bebe, this post is for YOU! Going through pregnancy and then the excitement of that little babe finally arriving, there are some things that are often forgotten about…

In Her Closet | Insta Mono Gram Purse

She spotted a squirrel and got so excited!!  Hat: Staxx //  Sweater: Zara (Similar) //  Pants: Forever 21 //  Custom purse: Jellybeans (in store) // Gibby’s dress: Jellybeans //  Booties: TJ Maxx (similar) // I told Nixon that he…