The before and after of Nixon’s bed.

Here’s the finished bed. It’s not perfect, but that’s what I was going for. 🙂
While I was taking these pictures to post, Nixon jumps up onto the bed and says, “Cheese Mommy!” Haha it was so cute, I had to take a picture of him. With his no shirt one sock and messy face! Love him<3
He loved his bed so much
he had to give it a kiss!
Cute Toddler bedding at Target
Click the one you like!
Kelly Brown
January 19, 2012 at 2:56 amI CAN TOTALLY RELATE. I really thought I would be done in a day or two with our toddler bed… I just finished the hard parts and I have one more coat on one more piece that will have to wait until tomorrow! Max is way excited for his new red bed. Anyway, yours looks great! Mine doesn’t look great.. but it’s a toddler bed and it is okay if it looks like an amateur painted it because, hey, I am an amateur at painting and I am proud of it 🙂 Great job, glad he loves it!