To Be Young.

Do you remember your first crush?  I know I do!  I had the longest crush on him and he didn’t even know it. Those were the fun awkward days… I remember writing his name in my journal over and over.  In fact I’m pretty sure he had his own pages dedicated to him.  I also remember playing a game called MASH with my Friends and Sister.  It’s where you determine your future with things like, who you will marry, what car you will drive, how many kids, what kind of job you’ll have, what kind of house you live in… and so on.  We would play that game for hours and it never got old.  I think we would play until we ended up with the guy we wanted to marry.

It’s funny how when I was young I always wished that I was older.  But now that I’m older, I think it would be fun to go back and be 7 again and play dress up and barbies and make up dances to N-Sync.  We came up with some good moves let me tell ya.

I think being a Mama, one of my favorite things to do is sit and watch the boys play.  Nixon has been getting into the “pretending” stage and I love it.  He is so creative!  He knows how to turn any type of food into a butterfly, fish or skateboard by biting into it.  Where does he come up with this stuff.  He is also OBSESSED with play-dough and makes all sorts of things with it.  Jovi’s favorite things are taking things out and putting them back in.  Also, he loves putting things on his head and runs around the room laughing (he thinks he’s funny) and I do to.  He loves to make me laugh.  They are both so different and so much fun!

One of my best friends had a little girl named Norah two months after I had Nixon.  It’s been fun to see them change every time they come to visit.  We like to think that they are in love and will get married someday;)   Not like its an arranged marriage or anything…  It’s funny because Norah has now out grown Nix and is a little taller then him.  They are so cute together! Last time they were here we told Nixon to give Norah a kiss and he gave her like 20.  He just kept them coming, it was so cute!  Here are the two little love birds.

Want a good laugh?  Watch this short my Hubs, Brother in law and Brother put together in 48 hours.  It kind of has a Napoleon Dynamite feel to it. 
The Journey

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  • Maria Flicka
    August 8, 2012 at 12:31 pm

    LOvely post! Yeah, I remember my first crush, but I wasn’t willing to really call it that…those were the fun awkward days indeed ;D
    I also have two little kids, being a mom is the most rewarding job in the whole world♥♥
    Hope you’re well, and having a nice day<3


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