Eventful Day.

Yesterday was quite an eventful day.
Event #1 We went to the farmers market to get some fresh fruits and veggies for the week. Nixon thought it was fun helping pick out the produce. After touching almost all of it… he finally decided on a watermelon. He loves hims watermelon.
Event #2 We found one of our fish dead on the counter when we got home. I broke the sad news to Nixon that his fishy was dead. He looks up at me and says, “you fix it Mama?!” and runs to get some tape. Moms can fix anything right?
Event #3 We hung glow-in-the-dark stars from the ceiling with string and push pins.
Event #4 My sweet Sister watched the boys for me while I went and stood in as a Waitress for one of my BIL’s short films. Luckily I didn’t have to say anything.

Event #5 I picked up the boys from my Sisters and went over to my parents for dinner.  Then my Daddy-O and I went to check out a work from your house business. It ended up being one of those “pay this much up front and then you can earn this much”. You know, one of those. I’m always looking for more ways to make money, but this wasn’t it.

Event#6 Went back to my parents to get the boys then went home. Got the boys in their jammies, read a story, said prayers,forgot to brush their teeth, and tucked them into bed. Then I cleaned up the house a bit, got ready for bed and then finished up my blog post, all in time for the Hubs to get home at 10:30. I don’t like the nights he works late.

It’s fun to go out and do things, but not everyday. As for today, I plan on staying home and just bumming around the house all day. Maybe around 2 I will consider changing out of my jammies and maybe brushing my hair. Maybe…

Project #8
Letters made from paper clips.

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