As a follow up to yesterday’s post about being homesick, I do have to say that we really have been so so blessed to be out here. We have a beautiful little home, with a breathtaking backyard, the people Evan is working for are some of the nicest people we have ever met, our ward has been so nice and welcoming and I’ve already made some really, really great friends out here in just the short amount of time we have been here. Really, we have been so blessed. Last week I was feeling sad and homesick, but this week I’m going to work on being more happy and grateful for the blessing we have been given. Now, onto today’s post…
For Nixon’s fifth birthday, some of our dear friends let us go stay at their beautiful lake house for the weekend. Nix was pretty excited when I told him we were going to have a family sleepover party for his birthday. He thought that was pretty much the best idea ever. When we first got there, it was sprinkling a bit but I didn’t mind it. The warm breeze and cold rain drops felt so refreshing. After the rain stopped, we headed out to the dock while baby girl took a little nap.

We ended up having a rock skipping contest in the lake. Nixon got a few to skip and was pretty proud of it. Jovi was just taking advantage of the fact that he actually had permission to throw something. 😉 They would gather the rocks on the shore in their little bucket then ran back across the dock to throw them into the lake. They would each say things like, “check this one out!” or “wow did you see that humungous splash Mom!” Listening to them play and get along together makes me one happy Mama.

Jovi insisted on wearing his hat to the side. I die.

With all the splashing going on in the water, we attracted some geese that swam over to us. Pretty sure they came hoping for food. So we quit throwing rocks and I ran inside the lake house to grab some bread and check on baby girl. She was still snoozing pretty hard, so I ran the bread out to the boys and they each had a blast feeding the “big ducks.”

That night we all watched Peter Pan and ate popcorn while we listened to the rain outside. We had the windows opened a crack so occasionally we would get the scent of fresh rain drifting in. Mmm. It was the little loves first time watching Peter Pan from start to finish and were glued to it the whole time. Though, Gibby girl went to bed about half way through it. She was pretty tired from our fun filled day. She was so cute to watch follow her brothers around every where they went after she had gotten up from her nap. She thinks they’re pretty great. After Peter Pan, we started Pete the magic dragon but they only made it through about half way before they were singing in zzz’s. I carried them up the loft were they were sleeping for the night and tucked them in tight. And headed of to bed but not before giving them each a kiss on the forehead with a thankful prayer in my heart for blessing me with these three healthy beautiful children.

I love this little cheese ball.

and this handsome dude.

…and this one too.
The next morning was Nixon’s birthday, we surprised him with balloons, happy birthday chants and pancakes with a candle on top. He was pretty excited about it if that picture isn’t evidence enough.^^
We were going to take the paddle boats out, but decided it was too windy for that so we collected nuts for squirrels instead, did a little exploring, then packed up and headed home for cake and ice cream.
Sharing some of her Milano Milk Chocolate cookie
with Rody.
He was one lucky dude to get a bite of that deliciousness.

Outfit details

When I tucked the boys in for bed and asked them what their favorite part of the weekend was they both agreed that throwing rocks into the lake and feeding the geese was their favorite part. It even won over their favorite cake and ice cream.