Well we are finally in a home now after living with my parents for a few months (who we are extremely gratefully for, really their hospitality has meant the world to us.) But it does feel good to be in a place of our own now, were we can be our own family again. I can already see a difference in the children’s temperaments and behaviors. To them it’s like we have been a two month vacation, where we all know when you’re on vacation any type of routine or structure can get a little out of wack. Sooo to have anyone look down on you or judge you during this period of time is a little dishearten to me. Buuuut anyways, now that we are feeling more settled and working on getting back into our routine of things, even in just a week, things are starting to feel a little more normal now. I can feel it and I’m sure the kiddos can too.
I finally gave into the sand… just because she’s so dang cute. 😉
It’s been just me and this sweet girl a few hours each day since the boys are both now in school. I’m loving this time we have to bond just me and my Gibby lou. I think it’s important to have this one on one time with each child just finding that time can be sometimes be a little challenging. Jovi doesn’t have school on fridays so I’m hoping to squeeze a little one on one time with him during Gibby’s nap. And As for Nixon, I’m still trying to figure that one out. Maybe ours will have to be in the evenings when Ev could watch the other kiddos. I also think it’s important for them to have some time alone with just Daddy. Nixon still talks about the day when just he and Daddy went miniature golfing together when we were in Missouri, I can tell his was a really special time for both of them. I think now that we are starting to feel more settled in our place, we will be able to make these special dates and one on one time more of a priority.
Gibson’s sweet dress can be found here