On our way to California, we passed by the Seven Magic Mountains on the freeway just outside of Vegas. We pointed them out to the kids and promised we could stop by them on the way back home. That way, it would give them something to look forward to for our drive back! When we got there,they were so excited and raced out of the car to the towers. They were pretty rad! We went just before dusk so the way the sun was hitting them made them look even more magical. They looked like they were glowing! I say just keep them up rather than take them down in 2018.
They wanted a picture in front of every tower! haha love these little cuties.
Thanks for taking these Nixon buddy!I had to get a picture of him taking the pictures because he looked so dang cute with that big camera strapped around his neck.
I wanted to self timer this one so Nix could be in it too! But he insisted on taking it.
On our way back to the car, Jovi spotted this cute little tree and wanted a picture by it haha. Just love these cute littles of mine. They are growing up way.too.fast.
Here is more info about the Seven Magic Mountains if you would like to go check them out!