One of the things we had planned to do on our sisters trip, was take the kiddos to a little lake not too far from our friend lindsy’s house. It was actually the first thing we did once we got to Lindsy’s! We unloaded the van, then got everyone in their suits and loaded back up again. Surprisingly, everyone seemed to be in a really good mood — even after our four hour drive! so that was a blessing. Before heading to the lake, we stopped by Cafe Rio to get a few salads share. I never can finish a whole one so sharing is usually the way to go!
When we pulled up to the lake, it wasn’t too crowed so our plan for going more in the evening was a success! Plus the calm evening air felt so refreshing.

For those who have asked, my suit is from Albion!

It was so cute watching them all run around in the sand and try and caught the frisbee! Owen was so sweet and would try to help Copey throw the frisbee to the other kiddos. They are all growing up way too fast!!

Jovi and I were sitting and watching the Mama & baby ducks swim by when Gibson runs over to us and puts her hand on Jovi’s back to watch with us!! I love their love!

Heyyyy belly belly! ^^ She kills me in her little strawberry suit!

Can’t wait to meet these sweet baby girls!!! Kylie & Lindsy are only two weeks apart. And yep, I’m still counting down the days!!!

It’s been so fun to see Haiven and Gibson bond even more just over the last few months! I love watching them play house and be the sweetest little mamas to their baby dolls, girls are so much fun!!

Sweet little Haiven stubbed her toe and ran over to her Mama for a kiss to make it all better.

When we were getting ready to leave, Jovi wanted me to wash the sand off of his feet then carry him to his towel so his feet didn’t get mud all over them ^^ haha.

Our cute little crew!! Just missing Nix.
(he stayed back home at Grandmas and Grandpa’s house)

After snapping that group pic of them, they spotted some ducks and all stared chasing after them at the same time!! haha
I love the little clouds of dirt dust under all of their feet!

I love that my Sister’s are my best friends!! And yes, we adopted Linds as a Sister 😉
I hope we can make another Sister’s trip happen again soon!