The boys started schools last week and I can honestly say that summer flew by wayyyy too fast. Both boys are in full day school now, so it’s just me and the two girls during the day until Gibby starts preschool in a couple weeks. This will be a big step for us, Gibby in preschool?!! I can’t believe it. And then it will be just Losee girl and I for a couple hours. Which she will most likely be napping most the time so I’m thinking this will be a good time for some me time, catch up on housework, personal goals or maybe even start painting again?! As sad as I am to see Summer going, I do have to say that I’m looking forward to this time and also for all things Fall! Buuut on the other hand, Summer ain’t over until we say so! 😉
While the older kiddos were in school, my Sisters Chantelle, Kylie and I took the younger kiddos to the pool. Out of all three of us we have 8 kiddos combined. So having the older 3 at school narrowed our number down to 5! Two toddlers, Gibby and cope and then three baby girls! It’s always so fun getting these cute little cousins together. All the baby girls, Losee, Novie and Yui were just sitting on a towel eating sweet potato puff together, while Gibby and Cope made their way back and forth from the shower to the pool.
It’s so fun to see Losee babe sitting up! This past month she’s preferred scooting vs sitting and is ALL over the place. Her go to places are under the coffee table and the kitchen table. It’s funny because my Mom said I use to do the same thing as a babe. I’m still not sure how I feel about her already being so mobile… basically I want her to be my snuggly little baby girl forever. It’s funny how with Nixon I was dying to see him accomplish each mild stone and couldn’t wait for his next big thing! And now with baby lo I’m thinking, wait, slow down girl just stay little forever please!!
I’m sure that has a lot to do with the fact that she’s probably going to be my last baby. And that thought makes my heart hurt a little and makes me want to cherish every little moment I have with baby lo as a baby. Of course I really am excited to see her grow and reach different stages, buuuuut I’m just not rushing it in any shape or form. 😉
My Girls!!!! Gosh I love them so dang much!!!
These little Cousin’s have so much fun together! <3
Chantelle and her sweet little Novie girl. I can’t get over those baby blue eyes!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!! And don’t forget to make someone smile 🙂
P.s Wearing // My suit (on sale!)// Gibby and Losee’s Suits // Our pool towel // My hat