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    I’m pretty sure that cabin fever runs high in our blood, because we can’t seem to be cooped up inside for too long!  Exactly why I live for little adventures with…

  • Out On The Town With Daddy

    As a father, I always want whats best for my children and their safety always comes first. We recently switched Losee from an infant car seat to this Sirona M with…

  • 31

      I celebrated my 31st Birthday last week! Sayyyy whaaaaa? I know, Imma gettin’ old. We ended up going down to Disneyland to celebrate! I may be getting old… but It…

  • Something I could have never Imagined!

    My Sisters and I are really close, we always have been. They’re my best friends and I’m so grateful to have them in my life! I honestly never imagined that we…